Wagyu Bull sells for R 670 000 !!!

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Australian Wagyu Association eNews

Wagyu F1 steers selling at 542.9c/kg on AuctionsPlus​

Last Friday (August 25) on AuctionsPlus a pen of 30 F1 Wagyu X Angus steers account RJ & JJ Copeland, Taroom, Qld, sold for 542.9c/kg live or $1360/head. The steers averaged 250.5 kgs liveweight and ranged in age from 10 to 16 months.

Despite rapidly deteriorating seasonal conditions in most of Queensland and New South Wales and lower prices for commercial cattle, the Wagyu premium remains for good quality Wagyu cross cattle. Pens of other breeds of similar weights sold on the same day in the low 300c/kg range with the Wagyu cross premium at around 80%.

$65,000 BULL

While the Australian auction record for a Wagyu bull remains at $105,000, set at Elite Wagyu sale at the 2017 conference in Albury NSW, for a Fullblood Mayura bull, the quest for poll Wagyu genetics has also produced record breaking demand.

Darley Wagyu sold a Purebred Homozygous Poll Wagyu bull for $65,000 on AuctionsPlus earlier this month and have claimed a world auction record for a Purebred Wagyu male or female. The bull resulted from imported US embryos developed by Jerry Reeves of Bar R Cattle Company who believes no better price has been paid for a Wagyu of that category.

The sire of the $65,000 bull is Bar R 52Y with Australia semen rights held by the Hammond family of Island Wagyu and was the sire for the 13 Poll Wagyu bulls that sold on AuctionsPlus on August 18 for an average $9077.

Jerry Reeves of Bar R has made some significant sales. In the 1990s he sold a purebred Wagyu female for $US55,000 at public auction and in 2015 sold a half interest in a purebred homozygous bull calf for $US30,000 by private treaty.